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EKUDirect LOGIN Instructions for First Time Users:

The first time you log into EKUDirect, your PIN will be set to your six-digit birth date. Use this six-digit number to login the first time. After a successful login, your birth date PIN will expire and you will be required to change your PIN to a different six-digit number of your own choosing. After selecting a new PIN, you will be asked to supply a security question and answer.

  1. Enter your USERID
    (This is your Social Security number with no spaces or punctuation.)
    Example: 887887788
  2. Enter your PIN
    (Your PIN is set to your six-digit birth date. Enter all six digits with NO SPACES OR PUNCTUATION.
    Example: March 1, 1980 should be entered as 030180.)
  3. On successful login, you will receive a message:
    Your PIN has expired. Please change it now.
  4. Reenter your birth date PIN in the OLD PIN field.
  5. Enter a new six digit PIN of your choice in the NEW PIN field.
    (NEW PIN must be six (6) numbers with no spaces or punctuation and cannot be the same as your birth date PIN.)
  6. Reenter the same NEW PIN in the RE-ENTER NEW PIN field.
  7. Click "LOGIN" button.
  8. After successfully changing your PIN, you will be asked to enter a Security Question and Answer.
    This will allow you to access your account if you ever forget your PIN.
    In the Enter Question field, type a question only you would know the answer to.
    (Example: What is my cat's name?)
    In the Answer field, type the answer to that question.
    (Example: fluffy)
    NOTE: To gain access to your account using this question and answer you MUST type the answer EXACTLY as it is entered on this form.
  9. Click "SUBMIT" button.
  10. Read the TERMS of USAGE agreement.
  11. If you agree to these terms, click "CONTINUE" button.
The main menu will be displayed, which provides easy access to all web functions available to you.
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